Date range calculator

Calculator of how many days.

Date range calculator:

Set dates or days:


The date is divided into year, month and day. Each year has a specific range of day numbers.

Calculators of the years after Christ were used in the positions of the sun. A few months have been tweaked on the track to keep up.

Year values, in date as year month and day, are counted after Christ. Some years have 365 days, others 366. The months remained in the range of twelve.

Currently, the calculator is based on the solar calendar. Number of days per month: January 31st, February 28th or 29th, March 31st, April 30th, May 31st, June 30th, July 31st, August 31st, September 30th, October 31st, September 30th November and December 31st.


The date range depends on the year and month. The difference between each calculated date is based on the specific years.

The date range calculator shows the difference between dates. The time in the calculator is based on 24 hours.

The twelve-month range was previously defined in the lunar calendar. Then the date range calculator was based on the solar calendar.

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