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Script – Report

Script in reports allows you to freely customize the calculations on the database data. Statistics, certificates, quality reports (ISO), etc.

(To understand  the script in the SCADA software:  Script – Introduction – Step 1)

(To understand how to generate a report: Create a report )

How to access the report script in the LAquis SCADA

Stop the application if it is running, open the report and click on the Edit button:

The report will be in the Edit mode. Then the events and the script will be available in the right side of the window.



The main most used events are:

OnAfterCalculation: after all data read from database and calculated. Generally used to calculate new results from the data.

OnAfterOpen: shortly after the report is opened. Generally used to set default parameters in cells (date, group, ID, tag, etc…).

OnAfterListing: after all data read from database but before calculation and chart. Generally used to calculate and change or create new data.

OnClick: when a user click on a cell or button. Generally used to calculate, open or save specific data.

OnText: change the print text of a cell.


Script specific commands of the spreadsheet report:


2 main common examples:


1 – Example on the event OnAfterCalculation or OnAfterListing. Easily accessing data directly from the table of the database and calculating a generic result:

ldbcount ‘ ldbcount is the number of registers of the main database table
x = 0 
if n > 0 then
 for i=1 to n
  x1=LdbCellN(“TAG1”,i‘ LdbCellN read or write the value of the field/tag/column of the database table
   if x1>7 then
     x = x + x1*x1
   end if
 x = x / n
end if
cellsNname(“RESULT”)= ‘ cellsNname reads or writes the value in a cell based on the associated name.


2 – Example on the event OnAfterOpen. Setting the default parameters to the report:

cellsnname(“DATE”)=int(now)  ‘ set the “date” cell as the current date
s=tags.CurrentRowGroup ‘ get the current selected group
if len(s)=0 then
end if
cellsname(“GROUP”)=‘ set the “group” cell as the current selected group


Click the button F4 to get the list of available commands.


Main commands to access the report spreadsheet:

cells(column,row): read or write a text value in the report spreadsheet based on the column and row.
cellsN(column,row): read or write a number value in the report spreadsheet based on the column and row.
cellsname(name): read or write a text value in the report spreadsheet based on the associated name of the cell.
cellsNname(name): read or write a number value in the report spreadsheet based on the associated name of the cell.


x = cellsN(3,5) ‘ cellsN reads or writes the value of a cell as a number
cellsN(7,3) = x
s = “”
s = cells(12,13) ‘ cells reads or writes the value of a cell as a text


Database table commands:

LdbCount: retunrs number of registers of the main database table.
LdbCellN(field name,register number): read or write the number value of the main database table based on the field name/column/tag and the specific register number. The register number is from 1 to ldbcount.
LdbCell(field name,register number): the same of LdbCellN but as text.
LdbThisLine(register number): returns the real row/line of the report spreadsheet cell based on the specific register number.  The register number is from 1 to ldbcount.
ColumnName(fieldname number): number of registers of the main database table.






